Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Why I Disappeared

So guys, it’s been a while since my last post. In my last post, I talked about how I was back and ready to be more consistent with my posts.

Well, I obviously failed to do so. I want to explain to you why. Now this is not an excuse and if you stick around to see why I think you may understand what happened. I have posts that have talked about my anxiety and how I try to deal with it.

 Unfortunately, my anxiety had just gotten worse. I felt like I had no control and the panic attacks were happening every day in its highest form. I felt scared all the time, I had absolutely no energy, and I was so angry for no apparent reason. I felt like I was losing my mind.

My husband was worried about me and so were my parents. For good reason, too, because I was slowly sinking into a depression.

The worst part is that it was affecting my marriage because my husband was getting the blunt force of my anger. I knew I was being mean and harsh and yet I couldn’t do anything to stop myself. My anxiety had even begun to affect my health and I just had no idea what I could do to change it. 

That is until the first weekend in December and things became a bit clearer. I went to a local fair with my family and for no reason I felt like I was going to burst into tears. There was no reason, I am at a fair spending time with my family, the weather was perfect, and Christmas music and decorations was everywhere.

I told my mom that I felt like I was on the verge of a mental breakdown. I didn’t feel right in my own skin.

 Later that night my mom showed me something that just opened my eyes. She read out the symptoms of people with gluten intolerance. I was in shock on how many of the symptoms I had.

So, I decided to give it a try.
There was no guarantee that this was going to help me but I needed to do something. The next day I went out and got a whole bunch of gluten free products and started my new gluten free diet.

The results were miraculous. I had energy, I didn’t feel angry, and my anxiety attacks had gone away almost completely. I was flying high.

This is now my journey and it may take some getting used to but the outcome is completely worth it. On my Youtube Channel, the extension from A Break from Reality, I will be posting a video that talks about what happened in a bit more detail.

If you also partake in a gluten-free diet I will be sharing on my Instagram and Snapchat meals and brands that I enjoy. If you also have some suggestions I would love to hear it, so please be sure to leave a comment with your suggestions.

This is a new year and I already have so much planned that I can’t wait to share with you guys. I have been so productive these past two weeks, I feel like a completely new person. This is going to be our year guys, I truly believe that.

Remember guys, listen to your bodies and if you don’t feel right, do something about it. There is always something that you can do and you just have to find out what is right for you.

Until next time guys, stay stress-free.


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