Monday, August 1, 2016

Pretending to be Someone You're NOT vs Pretending to be Someone You WANT to be

 Now that is the real question. What is the difference? Some would say that it is the same thing, but I would have to disagree. I believe that one is a way of improving yourself, which everyone should do. And the other is something that is self-damaging and more to satisfy others than yourself. Now, how can one tell the difference between doing something that is not you and doing something that you’re not used to doing so that you can improve yourself? 
I know that it sounds confusing but the reality is that it is confusing. This is something that people struggle with on the daily. Take me for example; I am honestly not the most positive person. However, with my family and friends, I try to give a positive outlook on situations, even though my mind is saying something different. Now some may say I am being fake, but the truth is that I want to think this way and I want to believe what I am saying is true. And honestly, I am not hurting anyone by doing this.
Another example
is if someone were to ask me what I do for a living I would tell them, proudly, that I am an actress, even though I have not done a single thing to deserve that title yet.
Now these
are two things that I strive to be—an actress and a positive person.  I will continue to fake it till I make it because these are things I believe will make me into the person I want to be.  This is exactly where I believe the phrase “fake till you make it” came from (people who pretend to be someone so that they can better themselves).
Now, all that I ask is that if you can’t tell the difference, just do some soul searching and ask yourself who am I doing this for. And answer honestly. If you’re doing this for yourself and it is making you a better person, then continue doing it no matter what people say. Even if they tell you that you don’t seem like yourself anymore. That may just be a really good thing. It means that you’re going in the right direction.
But now, if you come to find out that you are doing something to satisfy someone else, be it a boyfriend, a parent, a friend or whomever, I ask that you take a step back and really consider making a few changes.
Real quick before you go; the reason it took me so long to post this blog is because I’ve just been getting everything together to share with you my next projects. I know I have been talking about it for a while but it’s coming very soon. So please make sure you are following me on Instagram and Snapchat to stay updated with the release of my projects.
                          Snapchat:diliamiranda21            My Instagram

 Until next time, stay stress-free.

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