Monday, January 23, 2017

Vision Board: Easy Five Step Process

For this 2017 year, I plan on making the best of every day. I have a clear idea of what I want in my life at the current moment that is what I would like to focus on. I have decided to live my life one day at a time and really enjoy the moment. By living life this way and having this mindset I feel like I can really achieve my goals. It keeps my mind open to whatever opportunities may come my way. This way of thinking doesn’t mean that you can’t have hopes for the future, it helps you achieve those hopes. My thought process is just to think about what I want to achieve this year and focus on that. By doing this I don’t overwhelm myself and don’t get the feeling that I am not accomplishing anything. My all-time favorite motivational speaker, Tony Robbins says, “Once you have mastered time, you will understand how true it is that most people overestimate what they can accomplish in a year – and underestimate what they can achieve in a decade.”
This really hit me because it made total sense. So when the clock struck midnight on December 31st entering us into the year 2017, I was more than ready. To make taking on 2017 easier I decided to do a vision board of my goals for the year. For those of you who don’t know what a vision board is, it is a group of pictures that you put on a poster board that reflects your goals. So, what this post is about is an easy five-step process on how to make a vision board for yourself.

Step One: Gather Pictures
You are going to need pictures because it helps the mind with the visualization part. So, you can go online or cut out pictures of a magazine and start gathering up the photos that best represent your goals. If you went online to get the photos you can go to your closest CVS, Walgreens, or Target to print out the pictures.
Step Two: Get a Board

Now that you have your pictures, you are going to need something to put those pictures on. So, you can go to JoAnns, Michaels, Target, or Walmart, anywhere really that has an arts and crafts section. It can be as fancy as you like. You can get a regular poster board, a thicker poster board, or even a canvas. It really is all about preference.
Step Three: Layout
You got your pictures, your board, and you’re now back at home listening to something motivating (highly recommend listening to anything Tony Robbins). Now, the next step is lay out the pictures in a way that is motivating and pleasing to your eye. Lay it out in way that when you look at it makes you feel happy. It doesn’t matter if you like to fit perfectly together like a puzzle or all the pictures just thrown on there. It needs to motivate you and only you. Once you have done that you can glue the pictures on to the board:
Step Four: Placement
You are going to want to place this somewhere that you can look at it every day. I have mine right bed hanging on the wall. But you can put yours anywhere you see fit. You can put it in the bathroom, or the living room above the tv, or take it to work with you to hang in your office/cubicle. It doesn’t matter where just as long as you look at it every day.
Step Five: Visualize
Now that you have put in the perfect spot it is now time to work your magic. Look at these images and think about they make you feel. Imagine how every sense is feeling if you were to achieve this particular goal. I mean really feel it like it is happening to you right there and then. This is called visualization.

I really hope you guys do this, because I honestly believe that it is very helpful for achieving your goals. I know I mention magic but it’s not magic but it does is give you the hope and dedication to work toward your goals. And when it actually does happen it feels like magic. So, go out there and create your reality. Whether it’s your dream wedding, career, life, it doesn’t matter it’s out there waiting for you.
Until next time, stay stress-free. 

P.S. If you are a more visual person here is the link to my YouTube Channel:

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Why I Disappeared

So guys, it’s been a while since my last post. In my last post, I talked about how I was back and ready to be more consistent with my posts.

Well, I obviously failed to do so. I want to explain to you why. Now this is not an excuse and if you stick around to see why I think you may understand what happened. I have posts that have talked about my anxiety and how I try to deal with it.

 Unfortunately, my anxiety had just gotten worse. I felt like I had no control and the panic attacks were happening every day in its highest form. I felt scared all the time, I had absolutely no energy, and I was so angry for no apparent reason. I felt like I was losing my mind.

My husband was worried about me and so were my parents. For good reason, too, because I was slowly sinking into a depression.

The worst part is that it was affecting my marriage because my husband was getting the blunt force of my anger. I knew I was being mean and harsh and yet I couldn’t do anything to stop myself. My anxiety had even begun to affect my health and I just had no idea what I could do to change it. 

That is until the first weekend in December and things became a bit clearer. I went to a local fair with my family and for no reason I felt like I was going to burst into tears. There was no reason, I am at a fair spending time with my family, the weather was perfect, and Christmas music and decorations was everywhere.

I told my mom that I felt like I was on the verge of a mental breakdown. I didn’t feel right in my own skin.

 Later that night my mom showed me something that just opened my eyes. She read out the symptoms of people with gluten intolerance. I was in shock on how many of the symptoms I had.

So, I decided to give it a try.
There was no guarantee that this was going to help me but I needed to do something. The next day I went out and got a whole bunch of gluten free products and started my new gluten free diet.

The results were miraculous. I had energy, I didn’t feel angry, and my anxiety attacks had gone away almost completely. I was flying high.

This is now my journey and it may take some getting used to but the outcome is completely worth it. On my Youtube Channel, the extension from A Break from Reality, I will be posting a video that talks about what happened in a bit more detail.

If you also partake in a gluten-free diet I will be sharing on my Instagram and Snapchat meals and brands that I enjoy. If you also have some suggestions I would love to hear it, so please be sure to leave a comment with your suggestions.

This is a new year and I already have so much planned that I can’t wait to share with you guys. I have been so productive these past two weeks, I feel like a completely new person. This is going to be our year guys, I truly believe that.

Remember guys, listen to your bodies and if you don’t feel right, do something about it. There is always something that you can do and you just have to find out what is right for you.

Until next time guys, stay stress-free.


Monday, November 7, 2016

Be Motivated Instead of Intimidated

                                         Hey Guys! Have you missed me?
Okay, so I know that I have disappeared for a while but classes have started and there have been some changes in my home front. It usually takes me a couple weeks to a month to really get me in the groove of my class schedule, so that has really taken up some of my time.
 And on my home front, my husband has recently quit his job to put his full effort into pursuing his Real Estate career. So with him being home it has been an adjustment period and we are now finally getting into the groove of things and will be creating a schedule.
 I have also been really been busy hosting guests in my home every week since September. So that doesn’t give a lot of time to write.
But I finally designated time to work on my blog.
Okay, so now that I have updated you on the reasoning behind my absence let me get you up to date on what is going on in my career. I am currently on the search for a photographer to get some headshots, I’ve been looking into taking some acting classes, and I have been filming and editing videos to post on Youtube. I finally posted the Introduction video to my YouTube Channel, which is an extension of my blog. So please be sure to go check it out and another one should be posted shortly.
                                            A Break From Reality #Welcome
Now I want to talk to you guys about something that I myself struggle with on a daily basis. I get very easily discouraged by other people’s success and I don’t think that is how it should be. Every day I think about what I want to accomplish, whether it be for my career, my looks, or my health , I get discouraged when I see someone out there who does it better than I do and I just end up giving up.
A prime example of this is with my Youtube Channel. I have for four years started and restarted my channel and what happens is I get super excited, come up with all these ideas, and then I start my research and look at other people’s channels and instantly get discouraged. I’d get discouraged for many reasons, whether it be my camera isn’t good enough, or my lighting sucks, or my make-up isn’t good enough, and I think you get the picture.
Recently though my thinking process has changed and I am so glad that it did. My thought is now, “Don’t be intimated or discourage by other people’s success but rather be inspired and motivated”.  All of these people that you look at that are successful in what you want to accomplish, have gotten there by working hard and not letting other people discourage them. Also remember that they had to start somewhere and most likely they started exactly where you are. So don’t be discouraged and give yourself some time to grow.

Alright, guys, I am back, so I will be seeing you next week. Until next time, Stay stress-free. 

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Do It All OR Do Nothing At All

I am the type of person that gets overwhelmed very easily. For a long time, my way of thinking really kept me from being productive. When I have a large number of things I have to get done, which is typically every day, I tend to get so overwhelmed that I end up not doing a single thing. In the morning when I wake up I think about all the stuff I need to get done, like, regular household chores, school work and starting my career (not including taking care of my son).

When I start this thinking process my head begins to spiral and I start making little tasks—such as making me something to eat—into a much bigger task than they really are. I get so overwhelmed that I end up not doing a thing. Instead, I curl up on my couch and watch TV all day.

Don’t be mistaken, I take care of my son and make sure that he is fed, cleaned, clothed and entertained, but I do this because his well-being is a priority. 

Yes, I know what you are thinking, isn’t my well-being a priority? It should be… but sometimes it’s not. I tend to feel guilty or overwhelmed when I think about things that benefit me. When I think about doing one thing, I feel guilty for not doing something else that also really needs to get done.

But I recently took a step back in the hopes to find something that would help me be more productive and less overwhelmed.  I’m happy to say that I finally found the solution: To Do Lists. You may laugh at me, but the truth is I make two “To Do Lists” at the beginning of every week. One, on a regular sheet of paper with a pretty highlighter and the second, in my day-planner (which I just got from the best store in the world: Target).
This has really helped me grasp all my thoughts and things I need to get done, so that they are not all floating in my head getting larger by the second.  By having everything written down I am able to prioritize what needs to get done right away and take care of those tasks first.

The next thing I do is the major one; I take EACH task ONE task at a time. This is vital advice for not getting too overwhelmed.One of my problems was that I jumped from task to task until I felt like I was running in circles. 
Now I start and finish a task before I move on to the next, making sure to cross it off my list before doing so. And let me just tell you, I get some weird satisfaction from seeing that highlighter light up my paper as I cross off task by task.

Now, I know that making to do lists isn’t for everyone, but my advice to you is to look up ways of organizing your life until you find what fits you best.  But one thing I feel works for everyone-and I really hope it helps you is taking one task at a time
Also, don’t feel guilty if you didn’t get something done or you decided to take a break and watch some TV. There is nothing wrong with taking a little you time, I do it all the time. Just last week I had a few things I didn’t get done. Before, I would’ve felt guilty and overwhelmed because I didn’t get anything done and how I was being so lazy and blah blah blah.  Now, I just say it is ok. I was productive all week. I will just add these things to my “To Do List” for the next week.
So just like I’ve learned to do, I want you to remember this: life is too short to spend your time stressing the small stuff. Until next time, stay stress-free.

Also, Don't forget to follow me on:
                                           My Instagram